Fall is the perfect season for nature crafting. There are so many leaves, flowers, twigs, sticks, stones, and tree bark around right now. What a great time to create!
Crafting is one of the best activities to do with young children because it develops fine motor control, creativity and problem-solving skills while children experiment with colours, shapes and textures.
So much fun and so much learning!
Try out some of these beautiful autumn-inspired crafts that all use materials that can be found outside in nature!
These no carve nature pumpkins are an adorable way to decorate without the gooey mess! This is also a great way to incorporate your pumpkin decorations into your fall decor rather than just for Halloween!
We love this nature craft from Fireflies and Mudpies using found items like tree bark and acorns! This is a great activity to introduce young learners to new textures like rough and smooth and practice opposites.

After going on a nature hike to collect your materials, you can work together to build a lovely family fall wreath. Extension idea: Talk about your favourite items that you picked from your walk and try to recall the different things you saw. This helps develop memory and sequencing skills.
Making this wonderful fall collage using leaves and flowers gathered on a nature walk is a simple and fun nature craft for toddlers and preschoolers. It's a great art project for youngsters and a great way to learn about plants and autumn leaves.