
I sincerely believe that the HIPPY program has helped give my boys a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.
Our participation in HIPPY instilled in him a good work ethic, an enthusiasm for learning, and a love of reading and writing.
The positive impact that our HIPPY learning experience has had goes beyond my expectations.

"On behalf of the Government of Canada, I congratulate you on your HIPPY Halton program."
- The Honourable Anita Anand MP
HIPPY Oakville is a wonderful program! We have had the fortune to work with HIPPY for both of our sons. Our 6-year-old son completed the HIPPY program prior to entering JK and I sincerely believe that his focus was strengthened during all the HIPPY activities. His knowledge of many things grew and our mother-‐son bond was strengthened by spending so much time side by side reading and enjoying many fun activities together.
Our younger son, now 3 1/2 is also benefiting from our regular HIPPY activities. He looks forward to our time together and feels really proud of himself each time he completes an activity. I see his confidence building and his knowledge of many things expanding. HIPPY Oakville creates an opportunity for families to help their children grow and learn.
HIPPY provides support from the beginning to the end of the program with amazing home visitors that come and teach parents how to help teach their children. I feel very fortunate to have stumbled upon this program years ago. I sincerely believe that the HIPPY program has helped give my boys a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.
My daughter TC and I have been doing HIPPY for about six months. The positive impact that our HIPPY learning experience has had goes beyond my expectations. HIPPY has had a positive impact on three fronts of my daughter´s life: the linguistic, the relational and the pedagogical. First, although born in Canada, my daughter TC barely spoke a word in English in public before entering HIPPY.
At home, we speak in Spanish and although I have tried to expose her to the English
language as much as possible, she refused to speak in English. It was only with the one-‐on-‐one interaction that HIPPY is based on that I could appreciate to which extent she understood English—knowing more precisely what needed to be improved was already again.
In the beginning, she had some problems understanding my instructions, but after a month she began thriving. Now, not only she understands clearly all the instruction I or a HIPPY home visitor give to her, but also she is able to answer in English. Of course, her English still needs practice and work, but HIPPY was the triggering factor for her to get confident with the English language.
Also, our mother-‐daughter relationship has deepened substantially with HIPPY. TC looks forward to the Hippy time of the day. And the reason for this expectant attitude is the closeness and exclusivity she gets from me during the daily HIPPY activity. Now she values me more because I am not only her mom but also her “Miss,” as she calls me during HIPPY time.
I am a busy mom of two under four and the simple and clear instructions HIPPY provides allow me to be ready for the every-‐day learning moment without too much previous preparation. In addition, our home visitor makes a great job in making sure that I am aware of and have understood the activities of the week during our weekly visit.
Moreover, with the explanation of the skills that every activity develops provided on the first page of the weekly activities I know how simple things like pasting and cutting can have a great impact in my daughter's future learning experiences.
HIPPY team, I have not enough words to thank you!
As we discussed today, I just wanted to write to tell you what a positive impact HIPPY has had on my son, who is now in grade 1. He is flourishing as a student. His teachers have told me that he has a sincere love of learning and enthusiasm for school. Although he is identified as a student needing special education services due to his language delay, he is considered to be a strong student. Just the other day he received a good mark (a B) on a project that required him to write a report, make a poster, and do a presentation in front of the class.
I am convinced that N’s successes in grade 1 are due in large part to his experience with HIPPY. Our participation in HIPPY instilled in him a good work ethic, an enthusiasm for learning, and a love of reading and writing. I also believe that our time doing HIPPY together was invaluable in showing Nicolas the importance I place on learning. He looks forward to doing gr. 1 homework with me and even wants to participate in my daughter's HIPPY activities (she is currently doing age 5). Thank you!