In last week's blog, we talked about the 6 emotional needs of a child.
Safety and security
Discipline and consistency
Acceptance, recognition and approval
But, why is this important?
Emotional stability is necessary for children to feel happy and safe, and it is also essential for them to learn. Children with strong emotional skills have:
a positive attitude and self-acceptance
more self-confidence
better health and less stress
better behaviour and good relationships with friends
less conflict with siblings and parents
good communication skills
the ability to make decisions
more resistance to peer pressure
How can you help?
be affectionate and love your child unconditionally (Not just when they are good!)
listen to and talk with your child so that he knows he is being heard
create a safe and peaceful environment
show interest in what they are doing and recognize their efforts
Be available to play and make time to be present as you play together
allow them to make simple choices – what to wear, what game to play and what to eat.
encourage problem solving – “What do you think we should do here?”
Join their make-believe worlds as they express emotions and act out their view of the world
encourage independence by making time for them to do things for themselves
enjoy lots of physical activities to manage emotions
provide consistent and fair discipline by commenting on the behaviour rather than the child.
“That was not a polite way to answer” rather than “you are being rude”
Allow your child to experience emotions and to share how they are feeling
teach gratitude and good manners = please, thank you and sorry
laugh a lot together
be a role model by monitoring your own behaviour! Allow yourself to make mistakes – we all do!